Interacting with Baby (6 Weeks)

Interacting with baby is a new experience at all times, here is how my typical day goes. I get home from work at 3:40 P.M. almost every day.  Coincidentally my daughter starts screaming at 3:45 P.M. Every. Day. Many men, including myself came to believe they were causing this sudden uproar or that their child didn’t like them.  However, you …

Fishing with limited time

I am from a small farm town, so fishing is very common amongst most families.  Which can mean that you are fighting for spots if you go during prime times of the day.  Here are some tips for everyone and especially Dad’s on a time crunch. Find your “spot”. Most days I don’t have more than an hour to get …

Day Zero: We’re having a Baby!!!

PSA: I’m going to describe the experience from my end, and sure it may sound rough and tiring.  Just remember your partner is experiencing something far worse, and they need you.   The first tip I can give you is to be prepared.  My wife and I took our hospital bags to every appointment the last 4 weeks of her pregnancy, …