With valentine’s day coming up, it seems fitting to discuss the first “real” date night after baby arrives. When Should Date Night Be? Short answer, as soon as she is ready. Many women don’t want to or aren’t able to get around for weeks after having a baby, some even months. So, don’t rush it, (unless she is). Once they …
Dad’s Hospital Bag
Curious what you should put in your hospital bag as a newly expectant father? Well, heres what I brought, plus a few extras. Good Luck! Toiletries No one wants to go without deodorant, or brushing their teeth, especially when you will be getting visitors and meeting your little one for the first time. Make sure to pack deodorant, toothpaste, toothbrush, …
First Year of Fatherhood
January Baby is only 2 months away. Doctors’ appointments House prep Lose weight February Same as January just more anxiety. March Down 26 pounds! Daughter is born Fatherhood rollercoaster begins April Work Baby snuggles May Baby interaction picks up She laughs smiles giggles and screams June Whole life is nothing but baby now My weight gain begins July Daughter …
Baby Advice You Can Ignore
The most common complaint that I seem to hear from new parents is about all the advice they receive. While most are trying to be helpful, all the advice can be overwhelming, and even lead to you doubting yourself as a parent. This is especially true when coming from family. They know you well, and often, believe they know best. …
Tips For a Successful First Trick or Treat
The First Trick or Treat You may be wondering if it’s a good idea or not to take your little one trick or treating in their first year of life. Don’t worry it’s a common thought, and one that varies widely in opinion. After doing some research here’s what we will be doing, and what we thought fits best for …
Choosing the best Baby Monitor
A baby monitor is a very important purchase when you are getting ready for your newborn to arrive. The peace of mind a monitor can provide is invaluable. However, not all baby monitors are created equal. There are monitors that are only sound, some with video, and some with two-way voice. They come in many shapes, sizes, and prices. I …